On my desk

I recently received a pack from MIMCO with lovely things as you can see in the first picture,which includes camera filters and vougues pattern pack, plus a fantastic bag which I will be showing you guys soon. These are the things I have lying on my desk at the moment, along with my unfinished boring drawings ha!


  1. I like the atmosphere (:

  2. oh love this little snapshot into your life! drawings are looking pretty awesome! love the last one of the typewriter!

  3. Sempre achei engraçado às coisas da vogue, não é por acaso que agarro sempre nas revistas quando vou às lojas... mas isso já é outra história.
    Gosto da flor espalmada! :)
    Boa páscoa!


  4. I really, really love your photos..

    You use ZENIT? I´m going to buy it as well.
    Love the way zenit pictures look!

  5. Podias fazer os post's em Português e inglês (:

    és linda e odoro os teus outfits (:

  6. I really like your blog, it has perfect atmosphere! So dreamy... i like your bicycle drawing <3

  7. i really like your style, you have talent :)

  8. Hey! Love your blogg so much! I was wondering if it's okey if I use the picture with the bike on my blogg?
    Hugs Sofie Kjellberg

  9. Hey again. I just asked if it was okey to take a photo and use on my blogg. And now I'm wondering if I its okey to take any photo I want from your blogg, or do I have to aske after every one I take? Mabey I gonna take tre or 4 photos from you (or mabey mor later in life) if its really okey ofcorse? Love your blogg. Hugs Sofie Kjellberg
