When I feel like taking pictures the sunlight vanishes, it is been like that during the past few weeks, these are some pictures I managed to take before the monochrome sky ruined my intention of photographing. Besides cloudy days, the cold is unbearable but fortunately I have purchased a nice second hand faux coat and comfy gray sweater. But I still feel cold and will always feel (when outside, in winter)


  1. I just love how you seem to get bored with your blog's design so fast and that you change your header like once a week! Beijos

  2. Lovely photos. And I hear you about the light in winter - such a a pain.


  3. oh I always love your photos dear:)

  4. I know how you feel, I'm always cold too. So I put on tons of layers. It doesn't really help though. I rely on hot showers and a warm body to make me warm again every day :)

  5. i hope it's ok, that your blog is on my favourite list.

    hahaha sorry for my bad english :D
