Hello, it has been a while, hello if there's anyone out there who still read my blog. I am now twenty three years old and I wonder what my priorities should be. It hasn't been easy but neither hard but what is harder is knowing that things will get harder and gathering the strength to face them. Enough said and drama aside, I have been into knitting a lot lately. Not so very good at it yet but slowly I get there. Between worries and wools I have also been dreaming about water and flood. The city has been chaotic and I hate it, especially public transport.


  1. These photographs are lovely!

    I love where your desk is. The natural light makes everything so much easier to take photographs, am I right? :)

    1. Thank you :)

      Yes, light is essential..sadly now theres only light in the morning and sometimes not even...winter time meh!

  2. ah. knitting. it is so good for the soul.
    i actually think you might be surprised at all that still read. in fact, i for one, am a new follower and even spent some time reading previous posts just because you're so lovely.
    have a wonderful day :D

    1. Yes it is so relaxing. :)

      Thanks for following, hah and for reading the old posts. xx

  3. I have considered getting into knitting as well. Then I will have something to do on the ride to school. However, I will have to learn how to save lost ladders, which is probably never gonna happen. Glad you're back.

  4. Nice to see you back :) Knitting is a great way to spend fall and winter evenings at home. Also, what you feel at 23 is completely normal and most of us even feel that way well into our late 20s too. It's all part of growing up, so hang in there!

    rae of love from berlin

  5. ooouuuh, I love the room!
    The little place with the chair and table and -omg!- the lightning stars on your wall! I have them, too, but only a few of them and it way doesn't look so beautiful as yours!

    1. Thank you honey. I should have them on the ceiling though but oh well hah

  6. I'm still listening!

  7. As someone who checks your blog every once in a while, I'm really glad you're back to blogging. Both photos and words are lovely and speak to me and, I believe, a whole lot of people. :)

  8. I'm a new follower and am a great admirer of your images! (Found you on Bloglovin.)
    Ronnie xo

  9. Still reading and always excited to see your posts. Winter makes me want to disappear into myself.

    1. <3!! Tell me about it...worse of all is how its always so dark.

  10. Yeah! I still read your blog. it is a shame that you don't update more often ): Your pictures always are very lovely. And it is really cute that you're knitting.

    Take care (:

    1. Ah so good to know and sorry..I'm getting back on track :) x

  11. You're already better than me, who stopped trying ahah
    You have a lovely room :)

    Joana x
